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Tropical (Storm) Theme Thursday and YouTubing
Here in Summit Gaga never gets old, more and more Teachers, Counselors, and a certain Site Director have been getting in on the action. The creativity this week has been off the charts. The campers are prepping their Escape Rooms to test out on their parents this Friday. Our future YouTube stars are creating their own videogame channels and speaking of videogames, our Videogame Creation class has been learning how to make their own Breakout and Flappy Bird games. Our theme this week is Tropical and the kids looked awesome…and it’s also dark and rainy but we’re not letting that get the best of us today. [image: Aloha.jpg] [image: IMG_0764.JPG] [image: IMG_0922.JPG] [image: IMG_0848.JPG] [YouTube Video Creation] [Videogame Creation] [Java Programming]
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